
DOTmed.com- auctions for medical equipment

DOTmed.com was founded in 1999 as a public marketplace where healthcare professionals, medical equipment manufacturers, brokers, and dealers could buy and sell equipment, parts and services online. Today, DOTmed.com is the world's leading medical equipment marketplace, with users from virtually every country in the world.

Many of the initial features and services of DOTmed.com were free, and still are. You can register for free, post classified ads, browse, get email Alerts, be listed in our Services Directory, read our Online News - all for free. You can even subscribe to our monthly magazine, DOTmed Business News, for free.

DOTmed also has various ways registered users can enhance their visibility and ability to sell on DOTmed. The most popular options are buying Listing Upgrades, running Online Auctions, and running Targeted Text Ads. You can learn all about DOTmed's free and paid services at How Can DOTmed Help Me?

Fundamental to DOTmed's success is our emphasis on ethics and safe online transactions. We encourage those who buy and sell on our site to rate each other through our 5-Star Rating System, and we designate the most highly-rated users as the DOTmed 100. We also offer a free Certification program, where a user can become DOTmed Certified by providing three business references and signing a Code of Ethics.

DOTmed.com has forums where users can seek and receive technical help and information, and inquire about the integrity, reputation, and honesty of other users, above and beyond our 5-Star Rating System.


  1. Defibrillators remain the best tools for reviving patients during cardiac arrests. Defibrillators can be found in almost every hospital room today along with the first aid kit. Experiments with defibrillation started in the late 19th century, but it wasn't until 1947 that a defibrillator was first used to resuscitate a human being

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  2. Thanks for sharing auction details with us. Will be sharing the information among my circle, may be few of them will be interested in participating
